Cygwin .Xresources for rxvt.

I dont actually like the default colors for rxvt.   So I thought there may be more people who dont like it either.

Here is my .Xresources I use for my cygwin rxvt executable.

rxvt.font:            Lucida Console-14
rxvt.scrollBar:       True
rxvt.scrollBar_right: True
rxvt.visualBell:      True
rxvt.loginShell:      True
rxvt.geometry:        140x25
rxvt.background:      Black
rxvt.foreground:      White
rxvt.cursorColor:     Green
rxvt.cursorColor1:    Pink
rxvt.colorBD:         Red
rxvt.colorUL:         Yellow
rxvt.saveLines:       200

! My custom colors
rxvt*color0:    #000000
rxvt*color1:    #FF2020
rxvt*color2:    #20FF20
rxvt*color3:    #FFFF00
rxvt*color4:    #4040FF
rxvt*color5:    #A800A8
rxvt*color6:    #00A8A8
rxvt*color7:    #D8D8D8
rxvt*color8:    #000000
rxvt*color9:    #FF2020
rxvt*color10:   #20FF20
rxvt*color11:   #FFFF00
rxvt*color12:   #4040FF
rxvt*color13:   #A800A8
rxvt*color14:   #00A8A8
rxvt*color15:   #D8D8D8

This is what it looks like

Cygwin Custom Colors persuasion movie

3 Responses to “Cygwin .Xresources for rxvt.”

  1. Søren Vrist Says:

    Can you share your prompt as well?

  2. neilwightman Says:

    No problem. Its

    export PS1=’\[\033]0;\W [\u@\h] \!\007\]\h \[\033[1;36m\](\A) \! \[\033[1;33m\]\w \[\033[0;37m\]\n\# > ‘

  3. Brian Says:

    Perfect, thanks!

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